Turkey Doesn’t Have to Be the Only Game at the Table
Christina Iverson and Tracy Bennett, who make puzzles for The New York Times, are offering a tidy potluck of seasonal games for NYT Cooking readers. Gather for some friendly competition, find out interesting trivia about the holiday or team up to see if you can outsmart others in your group. All you need are pencils, paper and volunteers to play the game host and keep score.
First, we have a know-your-tablemates guessing game that we considered calling Family F(y)ood before settling on Talking Turkey. Another game, Two Truths and a Pie, asks players to spot the untruths mixed in with facts about the holiday. House rules rule! You can play in teams or individually, competitively or collaboratively, according to the preferences of your company.
Finally, for dessert, there’s a round and yummy Midi-size crossword that may speak to your sweet (or savory) tooth. When you’re done, you can check your answers here.
Recipes: Thanksgiving Turkey | Vegetarian Mains | Potatoes | Sides | Desserts

Talking Turkey
By Christina Iverson
Everyone grab a pen and some paper!
The designated turkey master will read a series of questions aloud to the table. The goal is to answer the questions with the answers you think most people at your table will write, not necessarily your personal answer. After each question, all players will share their guesses aloud, and the turkey master will keep a tally of the answers. Give yourself one point per question if you guess the most popular answer.
1. What’s better: light meat, dark meat or Tofurkey?
2. What’s the best Thanksgiving side dish?
3. What dish doesn’t belong at the Thanksgiving table?
4. What’s better: whole cranberry sauce or jellied cranberry sauce?
5. What’s the best way to eat Thanksgiving leftovers?
6. What’s the best kind of pie?
7. Who at the table … is most likely to take a nap after dinner?
8. … will be the first to bring up eating dessert?
9. … will leave the table first to watch the football game?
10. … will lead the dishwashing charge?
11. … will find the best Black Friday deals?
12. What are you most thankful for this year?
Two Truths and a Pie
By Christina Iverson
The designated trivia host will read aloud three “facts” for each popular Thanksgiving dish. Your job is to spot the fake fact for each dish.
It’s up to you how to conquer the task; we think you’ll have the most fun discussing the answers as a table. If you’re feeling competitive, though, you can split up into teams or compete as individuals.
And for Dessert
By Tracy Bennett
Want more Games?
Try Wordle, Connections, Spelling Bee or The Crossword.
To celebrate legendary crossword editor Will Shortz’s 30th anniversary at the Times, we have unlocked 30 archive crosswords through Nov. 30. Solve here.